Sunday, February 13, 2011

An anniversary story

Yesterday, February 12th, was my 3rd anniversary with my boyfriend. We've been through a lot together, and after all the good times, fake babies (this is a good story), and misadventures, we've come out as a stronger, more mature (for us at least) couple.

In 2007, I was reeling from an abusive, frustrating relationship that had finally imploded in on itself. I had made peace with it throughout the summer, right before I was going back for my senior year of college. It felt great to no longer have the burden of such a loathsome, troubled individual weighing me down, but I was also somewhat fragile, and longed to be close to someone.

After quite a few mishaps with guys who really, when I look back, just weren't right for me, I gave up. I'd had it with guys who were immature, lying jerks, so I decided to make a list of things I was seeking in a potential boyfriend. Here it is, verbatim from my Live Journal with current thoughts in red:

January 6th, 2008

"My Perfect Guy"

-Doesn't do drugs...ever (very important) Something my ex had a weakness for
-Has his own interests and doesn't depend on me for everything  The ex was a loser, basically
-Is interested in making my friends his friends He tried to cute me off from them
-Gets along with my family
-Values all life
-Has an open mind
-Doesn't try to control me
-Has strong beliefs and convictions (No flip-floppers!)
-Stands up for me, even if I may be wrong
-Appreciates/practices good dental hygiene
-Will never break my heart Missed birthdays, being beat up, being told he was in love with other people...
-Looks good with a beard (a must!)
-Is rugged and manly and likes to be outside but also likes to cuddle (another must!)
-Makes me laugh a lot and can make fun of me/be made fun of himself
-Likes sports more than me so I can ask him questions when I get confused.
-Likes to read and likes music.
-Works out and takes care of himself

Anyway, probably less than a week after creating this list, I met my boyfriend...on the internet. We just chatted at first, but after a few weeks, I gave him my number. He seemed like a genuinely nice, hardworking guy who had also hit hard times in the romantic sense. We talked for hours at night, often giving me only a few hours to sleep before waking up to student teach! I wasn't tired however, those days, talking to him and making these deep connections that the memory of them carried me through many a long day with my gaggle of hormone-ridden 8th graders.

After a month of these hours-long conversations, we decided to take it to the next level and some point. Being a Resident Assistant earned me a paltry stipend each month, hardly enough to cover the cost of a plane ticket.

Oh, did I forget to mention that we were living 1,200 miles apart? Well, we were.

However, we thought that there might be something to this relationship and that maybe, even though it seemed a little crazy, that we should meet and see how things turn out.
Over President's day weekend in 2008, Boyfriend drove to Kent, Ohio from Dallas, Texas to meet me.


Someone he had never met before, and if he didn't like me, might never meet again! 

Luckily, it was just the opposite. A connection that seemed so strong over the phone was infinitely more intense in person. We went to dinner, watched movies, and continued to find more out about each other in the precious little time we had. 

On Sunday morning around 2 a.m. our weekend had come to an end, but we knew that there were more good times ahead.

And there have been. 

I visited Dallas for Spring Break, and he flew up to see me graduate from College.

Lucky for me, I had started putting applications out to schools around that time, and applied to school districts in Texas to see if I could get a teaching position there after graduation.

In early July of 2008, I had been hired at the school district I now work for, and was on my way to Dallas to live with the man who'd swept me off my feet a few months earlier.

Since then, life has been amazing. He's the perfect person for me, and I can't wait to marry him one day...

but that's a whole different story!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Superbowl...and other things

I went to the hospital yesterday and after some x-rays, they've determined that I did not break my knee! I was pretttty sure I hadn't anyway (since I wasn't in horrific, agonizing pain for 24 hours) but it was nice to know I guess.

I did however, strain or tear my MCL, or Medial Collateral  Ligament. On the positive side I, in all likelihood, won't need surgery. The crappy part is that I am unable to participate in my normal weekly activities like volleyball, dodge ball, football, and whatever else I feel like doing :(

For example, here is my view of the Super Bowl.

See? I couldn't even escape the Half time show fast enough! 

Like my Ohio State slippers? ME TOO!

I can't wait to see how work goes tomorrow.


Saturday, February 5, 2011

20-something Polish girl starts at 11.

I did not start out my day thinking this would be necessary, but I realized that I am starting to find so many interesting things on the internet and in my life that these thoughts, feelings, and (mostly) recipes need to be shared. We'll see how this goes and hopefully, I don't get bored too quickly.

First off, I am a Cleveland, Ohio native through and through, but currently living in Texas. I dabble in sports, cooking/baking, reading, and current events, which will hopefully be displayed here over time.

I'm introverted, but don't have any issues with interpersonal relationships, it's just that sometimes, I would rather read a book than talk to you...Sorry!
I will say though, that I despise conversations over the phone and prefer to converse in person over anything else.  I also LOVE to compete, and I play lots of sports to quell this desire. I play softball 3 nights a week, dodge ball, volleyball, flag football, soccer, golf...and I play to win.

But enough about me in general, let's get into some specific details of my extremely exciting life!

As many of my friends already know, I went out and played football yesterday with some horrendous ramifications. My knee is injured (to what degree I have yet to find out) and I am heading to the doctor today to find out the damage.

Here's what happened:

While playing a rousing game of snow football, I went out for a pass on a slant route, and as i turned to look at our Quarterback, my knee twisted one way while my body went the opposite, making me fall on the ground in immense pain. The initial pain subsided quickly, but I am still unable to straighten it or put weight on it, which (due to my limited medical expertise) makes me think I have torn or dislocated something. Let's hope it's not a meniscus or ACL tear. I will post again once I have news.
